About us
Each year about one thousand seven hundred and fifty people die as a result of road collisions on the UK’s roads. This represents an enormous loss. Each person killed or injured will be someone’s parent, partner, child, a favourite relative or best friend.
The need to provide effective, personal support to those affected by death or life changing injuries resulting from road collisions is a significant issue. There are formal legal processes following a serious road collision that involve the Police, Coroner, Crown Prosecution Service and personal injury lawyers.
However, the work to complete these legal processes does not include the provision of specialist emotional and practical support that is so often needed by victims following the collision. Victims include bereaved individuals and families, those that were involved in the collision or who witnessed it. The Road Victims Trust seeks to fill the gap by providing support for the bereaved and people otherwise affected by road death or life changing injuries, who are resident in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.