As a charity the Road Victims Trust depends on donations to fund the help we offer to victims of fatal road traffic collisions. Find out more about donating via the following methods by choosing from the options below…
Whether the donation is from an individual, a company or a group such as Rotary or Roundtable all contributions can make a difference to someone after they have experienced the trauma and grief of a road death.
You can donate online or offline – whichever is best for you – explore the options on this page…

Donate directly via CAF
Show you care. Join millions of people raising money for the Road Victims Trust on JustGiving – an easy way to fundraise & donate to us online!

Whether it’s a triathlon or a cake sale, the money you raise will make a difference. Friends can support you whenever and wherever, by donating securely on JustGiving or Facebook. You can add photos, videos and text to tell the story of your fundraising event in your own way. You can download a fundraiser tool kit from the JustGiving website, containing everything from downloadable posters and bunting to social media cover images and ‘how to’ guides.
You can find out about the work of the Road Victims Trust, how you can get involved and who our top fundraisers are at JustGiving here or you can donate directly or make your own fundraising page for the Road Victims Trust by following the links below:

Friends and family may like to set up an online ‘In Memory’ page as a positive way to remember someone and help the work of the Road Victims Trust. The page you create gives family and friends the opportunity to donate in memory of a loved one. If you would like to create an online ‘In Memory’ page just click on the link and you will be taken to our special in memory JustGiving area. Visit the Memory Area.
Supporters have raised money for us through sponsorship of an event such as running or swimming. Why not have a go? You can add photos, videos and text to tell the story of your fundraising event in your own way. Create an online fundraising page to raise money for the Road Victims Trust.
Shop & Give
Shop online at your favourite online stores via Shop & Give and the Road Victims Trust will get a donation at no extra cost to you!

All of the participating online stores on Shop & Give have agreed to pay a commission in the form of a cash donation every time you click on their link and buy a qualifying product from them. Please note: you must access your online stores via our links on the Shop & Give website, otherwise the donation will not be triggered and the Road Victims Trust will not receive any contributions.
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for The Road Victims Trust with easyfundraising?
There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:
- Go to this link and join for free.
- Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
- After you’ve checked out, the brand will make a donation to The Road Victims Trust at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations. Thank you for your support.
Donate by Cheque
You can still donate by cheque!
Please make your cheque payable to “Road Victims Trust” and post to:
The Trust Administrator
Road Victims Trust
146 Bedford Road
MK42 8BH
If you are able to Gift Aid your donation please download our Gift Aid form here https://roadvictims.sharepoint.com/and send it back with your donation to the above address.