14 December 2024
Caritas Harmony Christmas Concert

On 7th December, Paul & Sally Jones lost their son, Oliver 19 years ago. Words cannot express how sincerely we sympathise with them for this loss and how grateful we have been for their support since.
Oliver’s birthday is on the 14th December and on this special day, friends of theirs for over 30 years will be holding a charity choir event to honour his memory.
The choir called ‘Caritas Harmony’ is based in Luton and are an award winning ladies choir, who have performed in lots of venues throughout Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
Each performance raises funds for a charity and this year they will be singing and raising money for RVT at their Christmas concert to be held on 14th December 2024 at St.Mary’s Church in Hitchin town centre.
Please do buy a ticket and go along and support the wonderful songbirds for a good cause!
To buy a ticket, please call 01582 599520 or visit https://www.hitchinfestival.co.uk/whatson and scroll down to find the Caritas Choir to book your tickets!