What we do
Every day five people will be killed on the roads of the UK and many more will be seriously injured.
The RVT works in partnership with the police and HM Coroners, taking over from them the support of the bereaved and anyone else who is affected by the road death. We know that you may be at the start of a very difficult journey, a journey with no map. We are familiar with the shock, the disbelief, the pain, the anger, the horror, the loneliness and the devastation you are suffering. We can support and guide you through your grief, and enable you to make the practical decisions facing you in the coming weeks and months. Grief is an essential process, but we know that grief caused by violent, unexpected death affects everyone differently.
Our sensitive, personal and entirely confidential services are provided by a team of highly skilled and committed counsellors, all of whom have had intensive training in what you are going through now. The services we provide are free and confidential, offered to individuals and families, and available for a single occasion, for example at the Coroner’s Court, or for regular weekly meetings.